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C. Tang, W. Yi, M. Xu, Y. Jin, Z. Zhang, X. Chen, C. Liao, M. Kang, S. Gao, P. Smielewski, L. G. Occhipinti* A deep learning-enabled smart garment for accurate and versatile monitoring sleep conditions in daily lifeProc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (PNAS) U.S.A. 122 (7) e2420498122 (2025),

M. Xu, J. Zhang, C. Dong, C. Tang, F. Hu, G. Malliaras, L. G. Occhipinti* Simultaneous Isotropic Omnidirectional Hypersensitive Strain Sensing and Deep Learning-Assisted Direction Recognition in a Biomimetic Stretchable Device. Advanced Materials 2025, 2420322 (Published online 31 Jan. 2025)


C. Tang, R. Zhang, S. Gao, Z. Zhao, Z. Zhang, J. Wang, C. Li, J. Chen, Y. Dai, S. Wang, R. Juan, Q. Li, R. Xie, X. Chen, X. Zhou, Y. Xia, J. Chen, F. Lu, X. Li, N. Wang, P. Smielewski, Y. Pan, H. Zhao, L. G. Occhipinti, "A Unified Platform for At-Home Post-Stroke Rehabilitation Enabled by Wearable Technologies and Artificial Intelligence" (28 Nov. 2024)

C. Tang, S. Gao, C. Li, W. Yi, Y. Jin, X. Zhai, S. Lei, H. Meng, Z. Zhang, M. Xu, S. Wang, X. Chen, C. Wang, H. Yang, N. Wang, W. Wang, J. Cao, X. Feng, P. Smielewski, Y. Pan, W. Song, M. Birchall, and L. G. Occhipinti, "Wearable intelligent throat enables natural speech in stroke patients with dysarthria" (27 Nov. 2024)


S. Wang, C. Li, T. Pu, J. Zhang, W. Ma, L. G. Occhipinti, A. Nathan, S. Gao, "Real-Time State Modulation and Acquisition Circuit in Neuromorphic Memristive Systems," 2024 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), Xi'an, China, 2024, pp. 1-5,


S. Ruhrberg Estévez, J. Mallah, D. Kazieczko, C. Tang, and L. G. Occhipinti, "Deep Learning for Motion Classification in Ankle Exoskeletons Using Surface EMG and IMU Signals" (25 Nov. 2024)

T. R. Kandukuri, C. Liao, and L. G. Occhipinti, "Modeling and Optimization of Energy Harvesters for Specific Applications Using COMSOL and Equivalent Spring Models" Sensors 2024, 24(23), 7509;


A. Dahiya, D. Wadhwa, R. Katti and L. G. Occhipinti, "Efficient Hand Gesture Recognition using Artificial Intelligence and IMU based Wearable Device" in IEEE Sensors Letters, doi: 10.1109/LSENS.2024.3501586.


S. Wang, X. Li, J. Ding, W. Ma, L.G. Occhipinti, A. Nathan, S. Gao. High-Order Associative Learning Based on Memristive Circuits for Efficient Learning. (22 Oct. 2024)


Y. Liu, M. Kang, S. Gao*, C. Zhang, Y. Liu, S. Li, Y. Qi, A. Nathan, W. Xu, C. Tang, E. Occhipinti, M. Yusufu, N. Wang, W. Bai, L.G. Occhipinti* Diagnosis of Multiple Fundus Disorders Amidst a Scarcity of Medical Experts Via Self-supervised Machine Learning. IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2024). 

C. Liao*, H. Wu, L. G. Occhipinti* Machine Learning-Assisted 3D Flexible Organic Transistor for High Accuracy Metabolites Analysis and other Clinical Applications. Chemosensors 12(9), 174 (2024)

C. Tang, W. Yi, M. Xu, Y. Jin, Z. Zhang, X. Chen, C. Liao, P. Smielewski, L. G. Occhipinti* A deep learning-enabled smart garment for versatile sleep behaviour monitoring (1 Aug, 2024)

M. Jabri, S. Masoumi, T. R. Kandukuri, L. G. Occhipinti* Flexible Thin-Film Thermoelectric Generators for Human Skin-Heat Harvesting: A Numerical Study. Nano Energy 129 Part A, 110001 (2024)

J. Mallah and L. G. Occhipinti* Finite Element Simulation Model of Metallic Thermal Conductivity Detectors for Compact Air Pollution Monitoring Devices. Sensors 24(14), 4683 (2024)


S. Wang, S. Gao*, C. Tang, E. Occhipinti, C. Li, S. Wang, J. Wang, H. Zhao, G. Hu, A. Nathan, R. Dahiya, L. G. Occhipinti*. Memristor-based adaptive neuromorphic perception in unstructured environments. Nature Communications 15, 4671 (2024)


F. X. Hu*, Y. Zheng, L. G. Occhipinti* Single Atom Molybdenum Nanozyme Constructed Electrochemical flexible chips for sensitive sensing of dopamine. Proceedings of IEEE Biosensors 2024, Cambridge, 28-30 July 2024.

G. R. Summers, G. I. R. Anderson, L. G. Occhipinti, C. M. Proctor Sub-Micron Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Particles for Cortisol Detection. Proceedings of IEEE Biosensors 2024, Cambridge, 28-30 July 2024. DOI: 10.1109/BioSensors61405.2024.10712695

W. Yi, C. Tang, M. Xu, L. G. Occhipinti Ultrasensitive Textile Strain Sensing Choker for Diverse Healthcare Applications Proceedings of IEEE Biosensors 2024, Cambridge, 28-30 July 2024. DOI: 10.1109/BioSensors61405.2024.10712723

J. Wang, M. Kang, Y. Liu, C. Zhang, Y. Liu, S. Li, Y. Qi, W. Xu, C. Tang, E. Occhipinti, M. Yusufu, N. Wang, W. Bai, S. Gao*, L. G. Occhipinti* SSVT: Self-Supervised Vision Transformer For Eye Disease Diagnosis Based On Fundus Images. Proceedings of  2024 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Athens, Greece, pp. 1-4 (2024)

Y. Liu, M. Kang, S. Gao, C. Zhang, Y. Liu, S. Li, Y. Qi, A. Nathan, W. Xu, C. Tang, E. Occhipinti, M. Yusufu, N. Wang, W. Bai, L. G. Occhipinti* Diagnosis of Multiple Fundus Disorders Amidst a Scarcity of Medical Experts Via Self-supervised Machine Learning. (23 Apr. 2024)

Zhang, K.; Lu, J.; Cai, X.; Naeem Shah, M.; Wu, J.; Li, J.; Wu, Y.; Zhang, C.; Xu, L.; Kuang, H.; Zhou, B.; Chen, Z.; Cao, Z.; Jin, H.; Dong, S.; Occhipinti, L. G.; Hasan, T.; Luo, J.* Nanosheet-Doped Polymer Composites with High Intrinsic Piezoelectric Properties for Energy HarvestingEnergy & Environmental Materials, e12789 (2024)

S. AkhavanA. Taheri NajafabadiS. MignuzziM. Abdi JalebiA. RuoccoI. ParadisanosO. BalciZ. Andaji-GarmaroudiI. GoykhmanL. G. OcchipintiE. LidorikisS. D. Stranks, A. C. Ferrari*. Graphene-perovskite fibre photodetectors. Advanced Materials 36, 2400703 (2024)

C. TangM. XuW. YiZ. ZhangE. OcchipintiC. DongD. RavenscroftS.-M. JungS. LeeS. Gao*J. M. KimL. G. Occhipinti*. Ultrasensitive Textile Strain Sensors Redefine Wearable Silent Speech Interfaces with High Machine Learning Efficiency. npj Flexible Electronics 8, 27 (2024) 

B. Zhou, Q. Cheng, Z. Chen, Z. Chen, D. Liang, E. A. Munro, G. Yun, Y. Kawai, J. Chen, T. Bhowmick, K. K. Padmanathan, L. G. Occhipinti, H. Matsumoto, J. W. Gardner, B.-L. Su, T. Hasan*. Universal Murray's law for optimised fluid transport in synthetic structures. Nature Communications 15, 3625 (2024) 


S. Malik, Y. Zhao, Y. He, X. Zhao, H. Li, W. Yi, L. G. Occhipinti, M. Wang, S. Akhavan. Spray-lithography of hybrid graphene-perovskite paper-based photodetectors for sustainable electronics. Nanotechnology 35, 325301 (2024)​​ 

J. Yang, G. Li, S. Chen, X. Su, D. Xu, Y. Zhai, Y. Liu, G. Hu, C. Guo*, H. B. Yang*, L. G. Occhipinti*, F. X. Hu* Machine Learning-Assistant Colorimetric Sensor Arrays for Intelligent and Rapid Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infection. ACS Sensors 9(4), 1945-1956 (2024)

V. Pecunia*, et al. "Roadmap on Printable Electronic Materials for Next-Generation Sensors". Nano Futures 8,032001(2024) 

C. Tang, W. Yi, E. Occhipinti, Y. Dai, S. Gao*, L. G. Occhipinti* A Roadmap for the development of human body digital twins. Nature Reviews Electrical Engineering 1, 199–207 (2024), (Front Cover)


Z. Chen, B. Zhou, M. Xiao, T. Bhowmick, P. K. Kannan, L. G. Occhipinti, J. W.. Gardner, T. Hasan* Real-time, noise and drift resilient formaldehyde sensing at room temperature with aerogel filaments. Science Advances 10, eadk6856 (2024)

T. R. Kandukuri, I. Prattis, P. Oluwasanya*, L. G. Occhipinti* Pathogen Detection via Impedance Spectroscopy-Based Biosensor. Sensors 24(3), 856 (2024).

C. Tang, W. Yi, S. Kumar, G. Virk, L. G. Occhipinti* EMG-Based Human Motion Analysis: A Novel Approach Using Towel Electrodes and Transfer Learning. IEEE Sensors Journal 24(6), 9115-9123 (2024).


J.-W. Jo, Y. Kim, J. Yang, S. Lee, S.-M. Jung, L. G. Occhipinti, J. M. Kim. High Picture Quality Quantum-Dot Light-Emitting Diode Display Technologies for Immersive Displays, IEEE Open Journal on Immersive Displays 1, 9-19 (2024).



S. Malik, Y. Zhao, Y. He, X. Zhao, H. Li, L. G. Occhipinti, M. Wang, S. Akhavan. Spray-Coated Graphene/Quantum Dots Paper-Based Photodetectors

Chenyu TangMuzi XuWentian YiZibo ZhangEdoardo OcchipintiChaoqun DongDafydd RavenscroftSung-Min JungSanghyo LeeShuo GaoJong Min KimLuigi G. Occhipinti. Ultrasensitive Textile Strain Sensors Redefine Wearable Silent Speech Interfaces with High Machine Learning Efficiency.

S. AkhavanA. Taheri NajafabadiS. MignuzziM. Abdi JalebiA. RuoccoI. ParadisanosO. BalciZ. Andaji-GarmaroudiI. GoykhmanL. G. OcchipintiE. LidorikisS. D. Stranks, A. C. Ferrari. Graphene-perovskite fibre photodetectors.

Shengbo Wang, Shuo Gao, Chenyu Tang, Edoardo Occhipinti, Cong Li, Shurui Wang, Jiaqi Wang, Hubin Zhao, Guohua Hu, Arokia Nathan, Ravinder Dahiya, Luigi Occhipinti. Intelligent machines work in unstructured environments by differential neural computing.

Binghan Zhou, Qian Cheng, Zhuo Chen, Zesheng Chen, Dongfang Liang, Eric Anthony Munro, Guolin Yun, Yoshiki Kawai, Jinrui Chen, Tynee Bhowmick, Padmanathan Karthick Kannan, Luigi G. Occhipinti, Hidetoshi Matsumoto, Julian Gardner, Bao-Lian Su, Tawfique Hasan. Universal Murray's law for optimised fluid transport in synthetic structures

Chenyu Tang, Wentian Yi, Edoardo Occhipinti, Yanning Dai, Shuo Gao, Luigi G. Occhipinti. Human Body Digital Twin: A Master Plan

D. Ravenscroft and L. G. Occhipinti. Development and Evaluation of a Microwire Biosensor for the Detection of Fumarate2023 IEEE SENSORS, Vienna, Austria, 2023, pp. 1-4,

C. Tang, W. Yi, J. M. Kim and L. G. Occhipinti, EMG-Based Human Motion Analysis: A Novel Approach Using Towel Electrodes and Transfer Learning2023 IEEE SENSORS, Vienna, Austria, 2023, pp. 1-4,

D. Ravenscroft and L. G. Occhipinti, A Predictive Point-of-Care Platform for Early Detection of Periodontal Disease, 2023 IEEE SENSORS, Vienna, Austria, 2023, pp. 1-4,

Tang, C.; Xu, Z.; Occhipinti, E.; Yi, W., Xu, M.; Kumar, S.; Virk, G. S.; Gao, S.; Occhipinti, L. G. From brain to movement: Wearables-based motion intention prediction across the human nervous system. Nano Energy 115, 108712 (2023). (Front Cover).

Tan, J.; Chen, Y.; He, J.; Occhipinti, L. G.; Wang, Z.; Zhou, X. Two-Dimensional Material-Enhanced Surface Plasmon Resonance for Antibiotic Sensing. Journal of Hazardous Materials 455, 131644 (2023).

Lee, S., Choi, H.W., Figueiredo, C.L., Shin, D.-W., Mañosa Moncunill, F., Ulrich, K., Sinopoli, S., Jovančić, P., Lee, H., Eisenreich, M., Emanuele, U., Nicotera, S., Santos, A., Igreja, R., Marrani, A., Momentè, R., Gomes, J., Jung, S., Han, S.D., Bang, S.Y., Zhan, S., Harden-Chaters, W., Sua, Y.-H., Fan, X.-B., Lee, T.H., Jo, J.-W., Kim, Y., Costantino, A., Garcia Candel, V., Durães, N., Meyer, S., Kim, C.-H., Lucassen, M., Nejim, A., Jiménez, D., Springer, M., Lee, Y.-W., An, H.-H., Choi, Y., Sohn, J.I., Cha, S., Chhowalla, M., Amaratunga, G., Occhipinti, L.G., Barquinha, P., Fortunato, E., Martins, R., Kim, Truly form-factor-free industrially scalable system integration for electronic textile architectures with multifunctional fiber devices. Science Advances 9eadf4049 (2023).

Akhavan, S., Ruocco, A., Soavi, G., Taheri, A., Mignuzzi, S., Doukas, S., Cadore, A., Samad, Y., Lombardi, L., Dimos, K., Paradisanos, I., Muench, J., Watson, H., Hodge, S., Occhipinti, L., Lidorikis, E., Goykhman, I., Ferrari, A.C. Graphene-Black Phosphorus Printed Photodetectors. 2D Materials 10, 035015 (2023).

Tang, C., Chen, X., Gong, J., Occhipinti, L. G., Gao, S. WMNN: Wearables-based Multi-column Neural Network for Human Activity Recognition. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 27(1), 339-350 (2023).




Samarakoon, C.; Choi, H.W.; Lee, S.; Fan, X.-B.; Shin, D.-W.; Bang, S.Y.; Jo, J.-W.; Ni, L.; Yang, J.; Kim, Y.; Jung, S.M.; Occhipinti, L. G.; Amaratunga, G.A.J.; Kim, J.M. (2022) Optoelectronic system and device integration for quantum-dot light-emitting diode white lighting with computational design framework. Nature Communications 13(1), 4189 (2022).

Oluwasanya, P.; Carey, T.; Samad, Y.A.; Occhipinti L.G.  Unencapsulated and washable two-dimensional material electronic-textile for NO2 sensing in ambient air. Scientific Reports 12, 12288 (2022).

Wang, H.; Huang, S.; Kuang, H.; Zou, T.; Rajagopalan, P.; Wang, X.; Li, Y.; Jin, H.; Dong, S.; Zhou, H.; Hasan, T.; Occhipinti, L. G.; Kim, J. M.; Luo, J. Coexistence of Contact Electrification and Dynamic p–n Junction Modulation Effects in Triboelectrification. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (26), 30410–30419 (2022).

Suh, Y.; Lee, S.; Jung, S.; Bang, S. Y.; Yang, J.; Fan, X.; Zhan, S.; Samarakoon, C.; Jo, J.; Kim, Y.; Choi, H. W.; Occhipinti, L. G.; Lee, T. H.; Shin, D.; Kim, J. M. Engineering Core Size of InP Quantum Dot with Incipient ZnS for Blue Emission. Advanced Optical Materials 10(7), 2102372 (2022).

Choi, H. W.; Shin, D.-W.; Yang, J.; Lee, S.; Figueiredo, C.; Sinopoli, S.; Ullrich, K.; Jovančić, P.; Marrani, A.; Momentè, R.; Gomes, J.; Branquinho, R.; Emanuele, U.; Lee, H.; Bang, S. Y.; Jung, S.-M.; Han, S. D.; Zhan, S.; Harden-Chaters, W.; Suh, Y.-H.; Fan, X.-B.; Lee, T. H.; Chowdhury, M.; Choi, Y.; Nicotera, S.; Torchia, A.; Moncunill, F. M.; Candel, V. G.; Durães, N.; Chang, K.; Cho, S.; Kim, C.-H.; Lucassen, M.; Nejim, A.; Jiménez, D.; Springer, M.; Lee, Y.-W.; Cha, S.; Sohn, J. I.; Igreja, R.; Song, K.; Barquinha, P.; Martins, R.; Amaratunga, G. A. J.; Occhipinti, L. G.; Chhowalla, M.; Kim, J. M. Smart Textile Lighting/Display System with Multifunctional Fibre Devices for Large Scale Smart Home and IoT Applications. Nature Communications 13 (1), 814 (2022).  

Shin, D.-W., Lee, S., Choi, H. W., Bang, S. Y., Han, S. D., Cho, Y. J., Fan, X.-B., Jo, J.-W., Ni,L., Samarakoon, C., Arbab, A., Yang, J., Kim, Y.,, Jung, S.-M.*, Occhipinti, L. G., Amaratunga, G.A.J., Kim, J.M.* Color controllable smart white lighting based on various device architectures of electrically driven quantum-dot light-emitting diodesJ. Mater. Chem. C, 10, 10728 (2022). 

Ravenscroft, D.; Prattis, I.; Kandukuri, T.; Samad, Y. A.; Mallia, G.; Occhipinti, L. G. Machine Learning Methods for Automatic Silent Speech Recognition Using a Wearable Graphene Strain Gauge Sensor. Sensors 22(1), 299 (2022).

Kumaresan, Y., Yogeswaran, N., Occhipinti, L., & Dahiya, R. Stretchable Systems: Materials, Technologies and Applications (Elements in Flexible and Large-Area Electronics). Cambridge University Press (2022)


Shuyi, H and Kuang, H and Zou, T and Shi, L and Xu, H and Chen, J and Xuan, W and Zhan, S and Li, Y and Jin, H and Dong, S and Wang,  X and Zhou, H and Occhipiniti, L G and Min Kim, J and Luo J. Surface Electrical Properties Modulation by Multimode Polarizations inside Hybrid Perovskite Films Investigated through Contact Electrification Effect. Nano Energy (2021) 89, Part A, 106318

D. Ravenscroft, I. Prattis, T. Kandukuri, Y. A. Samad and L. G. Occhipinti, A Wearable Graphene Strain Gauge Sensor with Haptic Feedback for Silent Communications2021 IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS), Manchester, United Kingdom, 2021, pp. 1-4,

D. Ravenscroft and L. G. Occhipinti, 2D Material Memristor Devices for Neuromorphic Computing2021 17th International Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and their Applications (CNNA), Catania, Italy, 2021, pp. 1-4,


Portilla, L and Zhao, J and Zhao, J and Occhipinti, L G and Pecunia, V. Ambipolar carbon nanotube transistors with hybrid nanodielectric for low-voltage CMOS-like electronics. Nano Futures (2021) 5, 025001

Pecunia, V.; Occhipinti, L. G.; Hoye, R. L. Emerging Indoor Photovoltaic Technologies for Sustainable Internet of Things. Advanced Energy Materials (2021) 11(29), 2100698 DOI:

Prattis, I.; Hui, E.; Gubeljak, P.; Kaminski Schierle, G.S.; Lombardo, A.; Occhipinti, L.G. Graphene for Biosensing Applications in Point-of-Care Testing. Trends in Biotechnol. (2021) 39(10), 1065

Bang, S. Y.; Suh, Y. H.; Fan, X. B.; Shin, D. W.; Lee, S.; Choi, H. W.; Lee, T. H.; Yang, J.; Zhan, S.; Harden-Chaters, W.; Samarakoon, C.; Occhipinti, L. G.; Han, S. D.; Jung, S. M.; Kim, J. M. Technology progress on quantum dot light-emitting diodes for next-generation displays. Nanoscale Horizons (2021) 6, 68 


Criscuolo, V.; Montoya, N. A.; Lo Presti, A.; Occhipinti, L. G.; Netti, P. A.; Vecchione, R.; Falconi, C. Double-Framed Thin Elastomer Devices. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2020), 12, 49, 55255–55261

Bang, S. Y.; Fan, X.; Lee, S. H.; Choi, H. W.; Shin, D. W.; Jung, S. M.; Lee, H.; Yang, J.; Suh, Y.; Occhipinti, L. G.; Han, S. D.; Kim, J. M. 36‐3: Novel and Simple Patterning Process of Quantum Dots via Transfer Printing for Active Matrix QD‐LED. SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers (2020).

Peng, Y.; Huq, T. N.; Mei, J.; Portilla, L.; Jagt, R. A.; Occhipinti, L. G.; MacManus‐Driscoll, J. L.; Hoye, R. L. Z.; Pecunia, V. Lead‐Free Perovskite‐Inspired Absorbers for Indoor Photovoltaics. Advanced Energy Materials (2020) 11(1), 2002761

Lee, H.; Harden-Chaters, W.; Han, S. D.; Zhan, S.; Li, B.; Bang, S. Y.; Choi, H. W.; Lee, S.; Hou, B.; Occhipinti, L. G.; Kim, J. M. Nano-to-Microporous Networks via Inkjet Printing of ZnO Nanoparticles/Graphene Hybrid for Ultraviolet Photodetectors. ACS Applied Nano Materials (2020) 3, 5, 4454–4464

Oluwasanya, P.; Rughoobur, G.; Occhipinti, L. G. Comparison of Analytical and Numerical Methods of Obtaining Coplanar Capacitance of Microelectrodes for Particulate Matter Detection. IEEE Sensors Journal (2020) 20(15), 8631 DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2985969

Zhan, S.; Fan, X.; Zhang, J.; Yang, J.; Bang, S.; Han, S.; Shin, D.; Lee, S.; Choi, H.; Wang, X.; Hou, B.; Occhipinti, L. G.; Kim, J. M. Lattice marginal reconstruction-enabled high ambient-tolerance perovskite quantum dot phototransistors. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. (2020) 8(45), 15871 DOI:

Pecunia, V. Occhipinti L. G.; Chakraborty, A.; Pan, Y.; Peng, Y. Lead-Free Halide Perovskite Photovoltaics: Challenges, Open Questions and Opportunities. APL Materials (2020) 8, 100901. 

Portilla, L.; Zhao, J.; Wang, Y.; Sun, L.; Li, F.; Robin, M.; Wei, M.; Cui, Z.; Occhipinti, L. G.; Anthopoulos, T. D.; Pecunia, V. Ambipolar Deep-Subthreshold Printed-Carbon-Nanotube Transistors for Ultralow-Voltage and Ultralow-Power Electronics. ACS Nano (2020) 14, 10, 14036–14046.

Hu, G.; Yang, L.; Yang, Z.; Wang, Y.; Jin, X.; Dai, J.; Wu, Q.; Liu, S.; Zhu, X.; Wang, X.; Wu, T. C.; Howe, R. C. T.; Albrow-Owen, T.; Ng, L. W. T.; Yang, Q.; Occhipinti, L. G.; Woodward, R. I.; Kelleher, E. J. R.; Sun, Z.; Huang, X.; Zhang, M.; Bain, C. D.; Hasan, T. A general ink formulation of 2D crystals for wafer-scale inkjet printing. Science Advances (2020) 6:33, eaba5029.

Bang, S. Y.; Mocanu, F. C.; Lee, T. H.; Yang, J.; Zhan, S.; Jung, S.-M.; Shin, D.-W.; Suh, Y.-H.; Fan, X.-B.; Lee, S.; Choi, H. W.; Occhipinti, L. G.; Han, S. D.; Kim, J. M. Robust In-Zn-O Thin-Film Transistors with a Bilayer Heterostructure Design and a Low-Temperature Fabrication Process Using Vacuum and Solution Deposited Layers. ACS Omega (2020) 5:34, 21593-21601.

Dahiya, R.; Celik-Butler, Z.; Occhipinti, L. G. Guest Editorial Special Issue on Papers From the IEEE FLEPS Conference 2019. IEEE Sensors Journal (2020) 20, 7493. ISSN 1530-437X

Shin, D. W.; Suh, Y. H.; Lee, S.; Hou, B.; Han, S. D.; Cho, Y.; Fan, X. B.; Bang, S. Y.; Zhan, S.; Yang, J.; Choi, H. W.; Jung, S.; Mocanu, F. C.; Lee, H.; Occhipinti, L.; Chun, Y. T.; Amaratunga, G.; Kim, J. M. Waterproof Flexible InP@ZnSeS Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diode. Advanced Optical Materials (2020) 8:6, 1901362.

Oluwasanya, P. W.; Rughoobur, G.; Occhipinti, L. G. Design, Modeling and Simulation of a Capacitive Size-Discriminating Particulate Matter Sensor for Personal Air Quality Monitoring. IEEE Sensors Journal (2020) 20:4, 1971-1979.

Bang, S. Y.; Fan, X. B.; Jung, S. M.; Yang, J.; Shin, D. W.; Suh, Y. H.; Lee, T. H.; Lee, S.; Choi, H. W.; Occhipinti, L. G.; Han, S. D.; Kim, J.M. Highly Stable and Scalable Blue QD-LED via an Evaporated TiO<inf>2</inf> Thin Film as an Electron Transport Layer. Advanced Optical Materials (2020) 8:21, 2001172.


Oluwasanya, PW and Alzahrani, A and Kumar, V and Samad, YA and Occhipinti, LG (2019) Portable multi-sensor air quality monitoring platform for personal exposure studies. IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine 22(5), 36-44.

P. W. Oluwasanya, Y. A. Samad and L. G. Occhipinti, Printable sensors for Nitrogen dioxide and Ammonia sensing at room temperature2019 IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS), Glasgow, UK, 2019, pp. 1-3,

D. Ozgit, T. Butler, P. W. Oluwasanya, L. G. Occhipinti and P. Hiralal, “Wear and Forget” patch for ambient assisted living2019 IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS), Glasgow, UK, 2019, pp. 1-3,

P. W. Oluwasanya, A. Alzahrani, V. Kumar and L. G. Occhipinti, Modelling and Simulation of a portable, size- discriminating Capacitive Particulate Matter sensor2019 IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS), Glasgow, UK, 2019, pp. 1-3,

Jung, S and Choi, HW and Mocanu, FC and Shin, DW and Chowdhury, MF and Han, SDand Suh, YH and Cho, Y and Lee, H and Fan, X and Bang, SY and Zhan, S and Yang, J and Hou, B and Chun, YT and Lee, S and Occhipinti, LG and Kim, JM (2019) Modeling Electrical Percolation to optimize the Electromechanical Properties of CNT/Polymer Composites in Highly Stretchable Fiber Strain Sensors. Scientific Reports 9, 20376.


Aleeva, Y and Maira, G and Scopelliti, Mand Vinciguerra, V and Scandurra, G and Cannata, G and Giusi, G and Ciofi, C and Figa, V and Occhipinti, LG and Pignataro, BG (2018) Amperometric Biosensor and Front-End Electronics for Remote Glucose Monitoring by Crosslinked PEDOT-Glucose Oxidase. IEEE Sensors Journal 18(12), 4869-4878.

Tan, EKW and Au, YZ and Moghaddam, GK and Occhipinti, LG and Lowe, CR (2018) Towards Closed-Loop Integration of Point-of-Care Technologies. Trends Biotechnol 37(7), 775-788.

Tan, EKW and Rughoobur, G and Rubio-Lara, J and Tiwale, N and Xiao, Z and Davidson, CAB and Lowe, CR and Occhipinti, LG (2018) Erratum to: Nanofabrication of Conductive Metallic Structures on Elastomeric Materials (Scientific Reports, (2018), 8, 1, (6607), 10.1038/s41598-018-24901-2). Scientific Reports 8, 13865.

Tan, EKW and Rughoobur, G and Rubio-Lara, J and Tiwale, N and Xiao, Z and Davidson, CAB and Lowe, CR and Occhipinti, LG (2018) Nanofabrication of Conductive Metallic Structures on Elastomeric Materials. Scientific Reports 8. 6607.


Lee, J and Pak, S and Giraud, P and Lee, Y-W and Cho, Y and Hong, J and Jang, A-Rand Chung, H-S and Hong, W-K and Jeong, HY and Shin, HS and Occhipinti, LG and Morris, SM and Cha, S and Sohn, JI and Kim, JM (2017) Thermodynamically Stable Synthesis of Large-Scale and Highly Crystalline Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers and their Unipolar n-n Heterojunction Devices. Advanced Materials 29(33), 1702206.

Iraci, N and Gaude, E and Leonardi, T and Costa, ASH and Cossetti, C and Peruzzotti-Jametti, L and Bernstock, JD and Saini, HKand Gelati, M and Vescovi, AL and Bastos, C and Faria, N and Occhipinti, LG and Enright, AJ and Frezza, C and Pluchino, S(2017) Extracellular vesicles are independent metabolic units with asparaginase activity. Nature Chemical Biology 13, 951-955.

Giusto, E and Donegà, M and Dumitru, ACand Foschi, G and Casalini, S and Bianchi, M and Leonardi, T and Russo, A and Occhipinti, LG and Biscarini, F and Garcia, R and Pluchino, S (2017) Interfacing Polymers and Tissues: Quantitative Local Assessment of the Foreign Body Reaction of Mononuclear Phagocytes to Polymeric Materials. Advanced Biosystems 1(4), e1700021.

Tan, E and Jing, Q and Smith, M and Kar-Narayan, S and Occhipinti, L (2017) Needs and Enabling Technologies for Stretchable Electronics Commercialization. MRS Advances 2, 1721–1729 (2017).


de Oliveira, RF and Casalini, S and Cramer, T and Leonardi, F and Ferreira, M and Vinciguerra, V and Casuscelli, V and Alves, N and Murgia, M and Occhipinti, L and Biscarini, F (2016) Water-gated organic transistors on polyethylene naphthalate films. Flexible and Printed Electronics, 1. 025005-025005.

Valletta, A and Demirkol, AS and Maira, Gand Frasca, M and Vinciguerra, V and Occhipinti, LG and Fortuna, L and Mariucci, L and Fortunato, G (2016) A Compact SPICE Model for Organic TFTs and Applications to Logic Circuit Design. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 15(5), 754-761.


Ferrari, AC and Bonaccorso, F and Fal'ko, Vand Novoselov, KS and Roche, S and Bøggild, P and Borini, S and Koppens, FHLand Palermo, V and Pugno, N and Garrido, JA and Sordan, R and Bianco, A and Ballerini, L and Prato, M and Lidorikis, Eand Kivioja, J and Marinelli, C and Ryhänen, T and Morpurgo, A and Coleman, JN and Nicolosi, V and Colombo, L and Fert, A and Garcia-Hernandez, M and Bachtold, A and Schneider, GF and Guinea, F and Dekker, C and Barbone, M and Sun, Z and Galiotis, C and Grigorenko, AN and Konstantatos, G and Kis, A and Katsnelson, M and Vandersypen, L and Loiseau, A and Morandi, V and Neumaier, D and Treossi, Eand Pellegrini, V and Polini, M and Tredicucci, A and Williams, GM and Hee Hong, B and Ahn, JH and Min Kim, J and Zirath, H and Van Wees, BJ and Van Der Zant, H and Occhipinti, L and Di Matteo, Aand Kinloch, IA and Seyller, T and Quesnel, E and Feng, X and Teo, K and Rupesinghe, N and Hakonen, P and Neil, SRT and Tannock, Q and Löfwander, T and Kinaret, J(2015) Science and technology roadmap for graphene, related two-dimensional crystals, and hybrid systems. Nanoscale, 7. pp. 4598-4810. ISSN 2040-3364

L. G. Occhipinti et al., Flexible and conformable strain gauges for smart pressure sensors systems: Static and dynamic characterization2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), Rome, Italy, 2015, pp. 1303-1307, doi: 10.1109/NANO.2015.7388872.

A. Valletta, A. S. Demerol, G. Maira, M. Frasca, V. Vinciguerra, L. G. Occhipinti, L. Fortuna, L. Mariucci, G. Fortunato, "A compact Spice model for organic TFTs and applications to logic circuit design," 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), Rome, Italy, 2015, pp. 1434-1437, doi: 10.1109/NANO.2015.7388909.


Mailly-Giacchetti, B and Hsu, A and Wang, H and Vinciguerra, V and Pappalardo, Fand Occhipinti, L and Guidetti, E and Coffa, S and Kong, J and Palacios, T (2013) PH sensing properties of graphene solution-gated field-effect transistors. Journal of Applied Physics, 114. ISSN 0021-8979


Mascolo, D and Pascale, E and Petrone, Iand Vecchione, R and Volpe, MV and Malagnino, N and Ruggiero, D and Foncellino, F and Bevilacqua, MF and Di Palma, V and Cimmino, A and Casuscelli, Vand Scaldaferri, R and Pedaci, I and Di Matteo, A and Napolitano, T and Salzillo, Gand Porro, F and Maglione, MG and Occhipinti, L (2011) Printed functionalized capacitors for water-induced label-free detection of DNA hybridization. Science of Advanced Materials, 3. pp. 496-514. ISSN 1947-2935


Cagliani, A and Wierzbicki, R and Occhipinti, L and Petersen, DH and Dyvelkov, KN and Sardan Sukas, O and Herstrøm, BG and Booth, T and Bøggild, P(2010) Manipulation and in situ transmission electron microscope characterization of sub-100 nm nanostructures using a microfabricated nanogripper. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 20. ISSN 0960-1317

Occhipinti, LG and La Rosa, M and Malagnino, N and Marcellino, A and Nicolosi, D and Porro, F and Sicurella, Gand Vecchione, R and Vinciguerra, V and Volpe, MV (2010) Printed organic electronic technology platform enabling the design and manufacturing of integrated circuits towards plastic microprocessors. Micro and Nanosystems, 2. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1876-4029 


Vinciguerra, V and Rosa, ML and Nicolosi, D and Sicurella, G and Occhipinti, L (2009) Modeling the gate bias dependence of contact resistance in staggered polycrystalline organic thin film transistors. Organic Electronics, 10. pp. 1074-1081. ISSN 1566-1199 


Fortuna, L and Frasca, M and Gioffre, Mand La Rosa, M and Malagnino, N and Marcellino, A and Nicolosi, D and Occhipinti, L and Porro, F and Sicurella, Gand Umana, E and Vecchione, R (2008) On the way to plastic computation. IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, 8. pp. 6-18. ISSN 1531-636X


Vinciguerra, V and Buonocore, F and Panzera, G and Occhipinti, L (2003) Growth mechanisms in chemical vapour deposited carbon nanotubes.Nanotechnology, 14. pp. 655-660. ISSN 0957-4484

Caponetto, R and Fortuna, L and Occhipinti, L and Xibilia, MG (2003) SC-CNNs for Chaotic Signal Applications in Secure Communication Systems.International Journal of Neural Systems, 13. pp. 461-468. ISSN 0129-0657


Arena, P and Bucolo, M and Fortuna, L and Occhipinti, L (2002) Cellular neural networks for real-time DNA microarray analysis. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 21. pp. 17-25. ISSN 0739-5175

Arena, P and Fortuna, L and Occhipinti, L(2002) A CNN algorithm for real time analysis of DNA microarrays. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, 49. pp. 335-340. ISSN 1057-7122


Caponetto, R and Fortuna, L and Nunnari, G and Occhipinti, L and Xibilia, MG (2000) Soft computing for greenhouse climate control. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 8. pp. 753-760. ISSN 1063-6706


Bertucco, L and Coltelli, M and Nunnari, Gand Occhipinti, L (1999) Cellular neural networks for real-time monitoring of volcanic activity. Computers and Geosciences, 25. pp. 101-117. ISSN 0098-3004


Langer, H and Nunnari, G and Occhipinti, L(1996) Estimation of seismic waveform governing parameters with neural networks. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH, 101. pp. 20109-20118. ISSN 2169-9313

Langer, H and Nunnari, G and Occhipinti, L(1996) Estimation of seismic waveform governing parameters with neural networks. Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth, 101. pp. 20109-20118. ISSN 2169-9313


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Department of Engineering

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